Achieving Your Potential...

    ...through Selection Testing

To enable your organisation to achieve its potential, it is essential that you select the right person for the job.


Getting recruitment wrong can be a costly business – recent research indicates the cost can be up to £7,750, and more for senior management roles - not to mention the cost in decreased motivation, morale and productivity within the team.

We offer a range of selection tools to inform your selection process and assist you in getting the right person for the job; from individual options up to full day assessment centres, depending on your requirements.


Contact us to discuss the particular competencies and skills required for your role. To give you a flavour, some of our most popular options can be found below.

Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQi)

We use one of the few scientifically valid tools, BarOn’s Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQi), to measure candidates’ Emotional Intelligence (EI).


It measures 15 components including intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, stress tolerance, adaptability and general mood.


We can also utilise a Leadership version of the report, examining EQi results as they relate to leadership skill



Personality Testing

We use a number of personality questionnaires to assist you in finding the right behavioural fit for the job, including:


  • DISC Thomas International – a non-critical behavioural analysis of a person, designed to emphasise their specific strengths in the work place. At no extra cost you can also complete a job profile in advance, to compare against candidate results to identify those most suited to the role.


  • CAL (Criterion Attribute Library) – a bespoke personality questionnaire which can be tailored to reflect your precise organisational or role-specific requirements. It can provide a detailed insight into particular elements of personality, and assess the individual's motivation, values and culture fit with the organisation.



Ability Testing

We have access to a vast resource of ability tests from different publishers. We can choose the most appropriate for the skills you wish to assess. These include the following:


  • Numerical and verbal ability tests at a range of levels
  • Managerial ability tests, including overall managerial judgement, creativity, and business decision making
  • Ability tests suitable for clerical, administration and customer service roles



Assessment Centres

We can design bespoke assessment centres to test your candidates’ behaviour and competencies via a mixture of challenging activities, including in-tray exercises, ability tests, role plays, group discussions, coaching activities, personality profiling.


Research shows that there is no substitute for objectively observing and measuring how people actually perform ‘on the ground’. 


A well designed Assessment Centre is the most effective tool available for assessing candidates in both individual and group based environments.



Contact Nicki today either by telephone or email: 
t: 07740 625 947 // e: